Below is a list of the most recent reports and submissions from Building Better Homes and our colleagues at the Australian Network for Universal Housing Design, that led to the adoption of the Livable Housing Standard in the National Construction Code.

The ABCB has published the following,

Resources available to support the implementation of the 2022 National Construction Code (NCC) mandatory accessible housing design Silver Standards.

Australian Building Codes Board  (ABCB)

NCC 2022 Webinar Series- Livable housing

Resource  library


ABCB Standard: Livable Housing Design

ABCB Handbook: Livable Housing Design

ABCB Voluntary Standard: Livable Housing Design – Beyond minimum 

Centre for Universal Design (CUDA)

Livable Housing Design short online course. CUDA presents this course under licence from the Australian Building Codes Board. 

Housing Industry Association (HIA)

NCC 2022 Changes for Livable Housing Standard

New livable housing provisions for NCC 2022

Livable Housing Australia 

LHA Livable Housing Guidelines Fourth Edition  (2017)