Tasmania has agreed to implement the new National Construction Code, with an implementation transition period until 1 October 2024.
Why not email the Minister for Building and Construction and let them know how happy you are about them supporting accessible housing for ALL Australians!
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SUBJECT: Thank You for Your Support
Dear Minister, I am writing to thank you for championing the inclusion of mandatory minimum accessibility standards in the National Construction Code (NCC), and to congratulate you for the successful outcome at the Building Minister’s Meeting on 30 April 2021. The position taken by the majority of Building Ministers at that meeting to include the Livable Housing Design Guidelines Silver Standard in the NCC for the very first time represents a very important milestone in the quest for inclusion and access for all. This is a fantastic outcome for people with disability, seniors, families and indeed all Australians. It will change the lives of millions of Australians and future proof Australian housing for generations to come. Opportunities for major, structural reform such as this are rare, and hard won. Without your advocacy on this issue this outcome would not have been possible. I will continue to campaign to ensure that those states that did not support the inclusion of these standards commit to a timely implementation of the new NCC. Only a nationally consistent approach will ensure we have a National Construction Code for ALL Australians. Once again, thank you for your support. Yours Sincerely,