Read the latest articles around the country profiling this issue.

Christie Lewis has been on a waiting list for accessible housing in Western Australia for more than 7 years.
Push for NSW and WA to join national accessible building code to future-proof housing for ageing population
There are calls for more accessible housing for people living with disability.
New materials from the Australian Building Codes Board to support understanding of the new Livable Housing Standards
SA decides to implement the new National Construction Code 2022 Livable Housing Design Standard for all new residential builds by October 2024.
SA has agreed to implement the National Construction Code by October 2024.
Disability groups in NSW have issued a blueprint for action.
Ms Tseng is one of many across NSW struggling to find a suitable home.
Chris Minns has released details of the ALP’s housing policy.
The WA Government is one of only 2 states that continue to prevent more accessible homes being built.
NSW’s rejection of basic accessible home standards ‘salt in the wound’ for disabled people
New homes to be fit for all
Calls for change as WA continues to evade new building accessibility standards
Mandatory building standards would ensure senior housing needs are met, Dr Di Winkler
Victoria has joined other states to make changes to the National Construction Code.
Time to future proof Australian housing, Dr Di Winkler and Dr Peter Mulherin
Australian housing needs mandatory accessibility standards to create ‘homes, not just accommodation’
The push for uniform rules so people with a disability can access new homes
Time to make all new housing more accessible, Dr Di Winker
At home, marks from my father’s wheelchair were everywhere. We must improve accessible housing, Caro Llewellyn