Below is a list of the most recent reports and submissions from Building Better Homes and our colleagues at the Australian Network for Universal Housing Design, that led to the adoption of the Livable Housing Standard in the National Construction Code.
April 2024
Summer Foundation research study: Supporting the design and construction sector to transition to minimum accessible standards in new homes: A qualitative study.
August 2023ANUHD/BBH submission to the Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme NSW’s rejection of basic accessible home standards ‘salt in the wound’ for disabled people.
July 2023ANUHD/BBH submission to the Australian Building Codes Board proposing that ABCB Livable Housing Design Standard–Beyond Minimum be mandated by 2028.
September 2021ANUHD submission to The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue on the Contribution of tax and regulation on housing affordability and supply.
August 2021ANUHD response to NSW SEPP review.
June 2021ANUHD response to the draft NCC Livable Housing Design standard (Silver level).
March 2021ANUHD submission to Disability Royal Commission: Promoting Inclusion Issues Paper.
October 2020ANUHD submission to the New National Disability Strategy.
October 2020
ANUHD submission to the review of Premises Standard.
October 2020
University of Melbourne report – Living with disability in inaccessible housing: social, health and economic impacts. -
October 2020
Melbourne Disability Institute and Summer Foundation Accessible Housing: the way forward supplementary report. -
August 2020
ANUHD submission to the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement for accessible housing.
August 2020
Melbourne Disability Institute and Summer Foundation response to the Australian Building Codes Board Consultation RIS: Accessible housing – the way forward. -
August 2020
University of Melbourne and Summer Foundation audit of accessible features in 20 new build, high volume house plans. -
August 2020
Dalton/Carter Independent review into the social cost benefit analysis undertaken by the Centre for International Economics for the ABCB. -
December 2019ANUHD submission to the Disability Royal Commission.
November 2019ANUHD submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission.
October 2019ANUHD submission to the City of Canterbury-Bankstown.
September 2019UNCRPD Committee Concluding observations on the combined second and third reports of Australia.
October 2018ANUHD submission to ABCB Accessible Housing Options Paper.
June 2018ANUHD Survey report released.
February 2016ANUHD Proposal for Change to the ABCB (refused).
January 2015ANUHD Progress Report on the National Dialogue on Universal Housing Design.
- February 2022
- February 2021ABCB Decision RIS (Regulation Impact Statement) Proposal to include minimum accessibility standards for housing in the National Construction Code
- July 2020
- April 2019
- September 2018
Resources available to support the implementation of the 2022 National Construction Code (NCC) mandatory accessible housing design Silver Standards.
Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB)
NCC 2022 Webinar Series- Livable housing
Resource library
ABCB Standard: Livable Housing Design
ABCB Handbook: Livable Housing Design
ABCB Voluntary Standard: Livable Housing Design – Beyond minimum
Centre for Universal Design (CUDA)
Livable Housing Design short online course. CUDA presents this course under licence from the Australian Building Codes Board.
Housing Industry Association (HIA)
NCC 2022 Changes for Livable Housing Standard
New livable housing provisions for NCC 2022
Livable Housing Australia
LHA Livable Housing Guidelines Fourth Edition (2017)